Hailing from Colorado, the trio of Vee, &roid and G-Man are not - as one may assume - a hip-hop crew. In fact the Vee Device collective have crafted a selection of tunes which fit into their own little niche of alternative country music. 'Autobiography Of A Dying Band' is definitely ambitious in terms of size; clocking in at around the seventy-five minute mark. So perhaps unsurprisingly, there are a number of songs and interludes that could have been omitted. However, this talented trio do a neat line in warm, comforting songwriting where a fiddle jig sits alongside memorable tunes such as 'Abductalized' and 'To Help You Read My Mind'. Their pièce de résistance is 'Ghosts In The Glass' where they are at their most melodic and intimate. More songs like these and a more streamlined approach to song selection should generate further interest in them.