A welcome return to Cormac O'Caoimh, the latest in a long line of fine Irish songwriters whose 2003 album 'Letting Go Holding On' flew a defiant flag for melodic folk-pop. Three years on, an EP consisting of four songs may seem to be slim pickings but The Citadels have retained the same gifts that served them well on their last record. The four songs split neatly into two types; 'If You're Who I Think You Are' and 'Flying Blind' focus on more blues-inflected psychedelic material which is serviceable but hardly essential. The first two songs, however, display the warmth and humanity of O'Caoimh's winning harmonies with Aoife Regan, whilst the melodies are amongst the best The Citadels have written in their relatively short career. It can only be hoped that there will be many more of these melodies in the future, preferably on a full album.