There are few artists quite as prolific as Adam Pierce. As well as his regular Mice Parade releases, he also has stints with gothic art-rock act Lansing-Dreiden to his name as well as drumming duties with countless others. True to form, 'Bem Vinda Vontade' arrives as the latest product by his anagrammatic moniker and follows a similar formula of flamenco guitar and frenetic percussion but adds more vocals this time. However, what should have led to another accessable album for Mice Parade actually turns into something quite the opposite on his most unfocussed offering for some time. There's nothing wrong with single 'Nights Wave'; a passionately delivered career peak which would have been one of the best tracks on his last album - the already terrific 'Obrigado Saudade'. Sadly, this track turns out to be the exception rather than the rule as Pierce appears to be sleepwalking through track after track; the situation not helped by his montonous vocals which contrast nicely when the music is colourful and exciting but not when the arrangements lack imagination as they do here. Maybe Pierce should take more time releasing records in the future.