There will be few records
released this year (or indeed any year) which capture fragility
and tenderness without coming across as irritatingly fey. Arco's
debut release is one such record, however. 'Speak' is a lovely,
typically simple opener. Following after that, 'Alien''s guitars
whine and threaten to rock out but manage to restrain themselves
whereas on 'Flight' they chime deliciously like forgotten 80's
innocents, The Lotus Eaters. 'Movie' begins like a Field Mice
track, its deadpan lyrics betraying the dreamlike quality of the
music ("Life's a bad movie but I'm way past caring. So I'll
sit and watch with a beer and some friends"). There are
several other fine moments on offer and only 'Babies' and 'Lullaby'
mistake soppiness for a tune. With a bit more airplay, 'Coming To
Terms' could seep into the consciousnes of the hardest hearts.