Once hotly tipped to become Sweden's answer to Björk, Stina Nordenstam's star has fallen somewhat thanks to her increasingly insular style. Since the 'And She Closed Her Eyes' release, Nordenstam veered towards a more trip-hop/electronic minimalism style which was fine enough if a little short on melody but selecting a covers album full of muted versions of other people's records signalled a career nadir. For that reason, 'This Is...' represents something of a rebirth for the singer/songwriter which could even yield commercial success. That's not to say Nordenstam has sold out, more that she has realised that sometimes shades of light have to pour through the dark, impenetrable clouds of her music to avoid them being totally downbeat and impenetrable. Those touches of old remain such as the buzzsaw guitar, trip-hop like production and those unmistakeable - sometimes distorted - eerie vocals but neat touches such as the guitar assault a la My Bloody Valentine on 'The Diver' and respectable guest appearances from Suede's Brett Anderson demonstrate a broader appeal. So despite coming across as a kindergarten graduate in her singing style, this chanteuse has masterminded a mature transition to one of the better alternative solo artists around today.