"Oh no! Not another turn of the 80's revival!" scream millions of music lovers sick of tired re-hashes of former glories. At least this revival is markedly different. Followers of post-punk/funk hybrids of the ilk of The Pop Group and Gang Of Four will immediately recognise the stop-start rhythms, angular guitar patterns and frantic, shouted vocals. Not much has been heard of this style since those influences were at their own creative peaks two decades ago; it's probably this fact which makes this listening experience just as fresh and invigorating as it is derivative. Fantastic titles such as 'Grown Men Don't Fall In The River, Just Like That' and 'Tumbling Walls Buried Me In The Debris With ESG' demonstrate both a deliberate attempt to bring their own peculiar brand of awkwardness to the core and an aim for a more cultish following. It's good stuff too; in fact 8 of these 9 tracks are highly listenable pastiches which won't offend their forefathers. Unfortunately the ninth and final track uses up over half of the length of the album including a 25-minute rhythm and groove instrumental loop. Such a shame, it was all going so well, in a rather ramshackle way.