Rather like the work of Prefab Sprout, Aztec
Camera's output is neither forward thinking nor particularly
adventurous, just wide-eyed songs of love and other important
things like that. Both bands are essentially also projects based
around one artist; in Aztec Camera the main protagonist being
Roddy Frame. Unlike Prefab Sprout though, Aztec Camera's albums
have been patchy so it is welcome that a compilation exists such
as this which cherry-picks from his career so far. From the early
part of his career there are timeless, catchy gems such as 'Pillar
To Post', 'Oblivious' and 'Walk Out To Winter' all written before
he turned 20 and he would struggle to follow these up. Sensibly
Frame decided to write more mature, reflective songs such as 'Somewhere
In My Heart' and 'How Men Are'. 'Working In A Goldmine' is as
good as any great white-soul single ever recorded whilst the
doleful cover of Van Halen's 'Jump' is slowed down to the pace of
an Elvis ballad and shows a wry sense of humour. Much of Frame's
work sounds rather dull because of its unspectacular arrangements
but thankfully this compilation is a more than adequate reminder
that he could write genuinely affecting heartfelt songs.