Pehrlabel have established a penchant for the quiet, melancholic moments in life. Mus - a spanish duo of Fran Gayo and Monica Vavas - have been a going concern since the mid-90s during which time they have clearly got cinematic moodiness down to a fine art on the strength of this compilation. The main surprise is that only a few of these tracks have been credited as soundtracks because most of these brooding pieces cry out for visual accompaniment. 'Tocade' features splashes of string samples, throbbing electronic pulses and Vavas' breathy vocals, '* *' is made up of ticking clocks and morose piano chords. It reaches its peak on 'Duermete Nenu Duerme', an extraordinarily hypnotic tune of almost tear-jerking beauty. Other comparisons which spring to mind are Dead Can Dance ('Eu Sei Que Vou Te Amar') and Piano Magic (the studied cool of 'Duermete Fiu Del Alma'). Overall though, it's like listening to a This Mortal Coil collaboration relocated to Spain.