Sixpence None The Richer's hit, 'Kiss Me', was one of the most memorable summer records of 1999. It sounded like former indie darlings The Sundays at the peak of their powers and although sounding extremely British this band are actually from Texas. As you'd expect there's nothing quite else here to match the excellence of 'Kiss Me' but on more than one occasion there are close calls. On 'Puerdo Escribir' vocalist Leigh Nash enunciates beautiful Spanish vowels over a melancholic poem, and on 'Anything', Nash's wounded sparrow vocals battle elegantly with songwriter Sean Kelly's meandering guitar lines. The family-oriented 'Sister, Mother' is the closest we get to another self-penned hit although other listeners would think that their cover of The La's 'There She Goes' deserved more sales. Although 'Kiss Me' will probably be a millstone around their necks, there's enough evidence here to show that they can progress past one-hit wonderdom or at least become an albums' band.