It's apparently taken seven years for Lake Trout to release, this, their first long player. So the question is: was it worth the wait? It's a tough one to answer. 'Another One Lost' certainly sounds bang up-to-date from the moment 'Stutter' sets the tone for angsty guitar rock with an electronic edge. 'Her' is a blissful slice of ambient pop, 'Holding' is strongly reminiscent of Chris Martin's guest appearances on the last Faultline record and the bruised trip-hop of 'Mine' completes a high quality first half full of invention and decent hooks. Second halves to albums are often disappointing and, sadly, Lake Trout fall into the same trap reaching a real low with the dirgey instrumental 'Look Who It Is'. 'I Was Wrong' goes some way to redressing the balance thanks to its aching vulnerability but it's a rare highlight amongst the inconsequential Radiohead-like experiments which dominate the latter end of the album. Still, this being a first - albeit delayed - outing there's time to correct the mistakes.