In essence, PM Dawn have been the softies of the rap scene. Vocalist Jazzie B sings like an angel most of the time whilst the tunes on offer were gentle, imaginative beats, basslines and rhythms which borrowed heavily from other people's work. On hearing this, it would probably suggest that PM Dawn were another Puff Daddy but whereas Mr. Daddy uses famous songs which were rather good in the first place and makes them sound mediocre, PM Dawn have used far less fashionable music and somehow turned them into moments of rare beauty. The best examples of this maverick talent would be on the first album which lifts a sample from Spandau Ballet's 'True' and 'If I Wuz U' which uses the dated keyboard textures from Kraftwerk's 'Pocket Calculator'. Whilst the first album was probably just about the best the next 3 (the last of which was released earlier in 1999) all have something to recommend them; indeed the last one even borrows from Chris De Burgh's mawkish 'Lady In Red' and still emerges with dignity intact; take heed Puff Daddy!