Amongst the recent surge of shoegazing revivalists, one of the bands to bring something new to the table is Montreal's Destroyalldreamers. For beneath the dense walls of shimmering guitars lies a real inner beauty as well as a modern rhythmic backbone. Initially their influences seem to point to those oft-referenced behemoths Godspeed You! Black Emperor for the way in which they gradually build up a guitar storm; this is particular evident on the dramatic 'Orage'. Yet by delving further into their dense structures, it is clear that there's a lot more going on beneath the surface. The key moments arrive on 'The Sky Was Glorious' and 'Swirling Colours Sink', both of which possess a strong melodic backbone that haunts the listener long after they have finished. These songs reveal the essence of Destroyalldreamers who are concerned with creating a menacing exterior but beneath it there's a lot of heart.